Expert in creating a workforce that is future-ready.

Let us help you to boost your team’s
Data Stream Analytics Skills through

A training division of INNODATATICS INC., USA, which was ranked among the top 20 Most Promising Data Analytics Solution Providers of 2018, 360DigiTMG was established in 2013 with a strong objective to offer industry-oriented training. With world headquarters in the USA and presence in India, East Asia, Australia, Middle East, UK, and Romania, we add a holistic, global market perspective to our curriculum. Our experienced, hand-picked faculty have trained more than 20,000 professionals across the globe. 360DigiTMG has curated the training programs with real-life use cases, mini-projects, and datasets for individuals to learn and prosper in their companies.

Services for You

Extremely Satisfied Clients

Customized Training

Extremely Satisfied Clients


Extremely Satisfied Clients

Project Help

How Important is
Digital Upskilling for Employees

Companies require skilled employees. The shortage of skilled employees has impacted companies negatively with their productivity, turnover, and finally affecting their revenues. In the current social context, these requirements have given the corporates to pro-actively utilize opportunities by training and upskilling their employees in digital aids and skillsets. This digital upskilling and training will address the gap between the required skills and organizational needs. Resulting in high production, revenue generation, boosting employees to gain confidence, and helps them to face challenges in the business.

Few of our Extremely Satisfied Clients

Extremely Satisfied Clients
Extremely Satisfied Clients
Extremely Satisfied Clients
Extremely Satisfied Clients
Extremely Satisfied Clients
Extremely Satisfied Clients
Extremely Satisfied Clients

Innodatatics, the analytics consulting wing of 360DigiTMG, is the consulting implementation partner for 32 Billion USD Beverages company (one of the biggest in the entire planet). Multi-Year project includes implementing Industrial Revolution 4.0 with prime focus on Artificial Intelligence implementations.

Our Differentiators

Extremely Satisfied Clients

Learning Methodology

Case Study driven learning methodology, each tailored to meet the domain expertise of participants

Extremely Satisfied Clients


Self-paced learning access to recorded videos through the Learning Management System. Participants can stream the videos even after training

Extremely Satisfied Clients


Pre & post-assessment to evaluate employees understanding of the subject and free recommendations from industry experts

Extremely Satisfied Clients

Zero Tolerance

Deliver most ethically with zero tolerance to mala fide practices within and outside the organization

Extremely Satisfied Clients

Free Webinars

Free access to 15+ Industry webinars monthly with our exclusive range of domain-specific analytics courses

Extremely Satisfied Clients

Edu-Tech Partner

Exclusive Edu-Tech Partner for Panasonic - India Innovation Centre (IIC), 3rd IIC globally after having one in Japan & USA

Solutions for corporates based on their products & services. 360digiTMG follows a unique methodology in offering impactful customized programs for corporates. 360digiTMG scrutinizes corporate needs and develops a customized course that completely gives solutions to business challenges. This focussed approach of 360DigiTMG in providing tailor-made programs promotes the corporates to be pioneers in the digital market.

Extremely Satisfied Clients

Provide best-in-class consulting services to clients of various domains. Sixteen Data Analytics & Big Data consulting engagements are being performed simultaneously at any given point of time with Innodatatics Inc., USA & Subsidiaries.

Extremely Satisfied Clients

Our trained students guided by our dedicated instructors will help you in exploring and analyzing the data by using advanced digital tools. They help to enable smart marketing insights, leading to the production and success of your business. This golden opportunity to escalate your business by our students is totally free of cost.

Extremely Satisfied Clients

Data Stream Digital Skills

360DigiTMG has strategized to focus on emerging trends & technologies and has a special emphasis on the corporate market in the space of emerging technologies such as:

Why Digital Transformation is always Challenging for Companies:

Many companies have realized the potential of digital transformation and are looking forward to shifting. But there are few hurdles or roadblocks that are causing hindrances for a few of the businesses to move forward with digital transformation. Few challenges faced by the enterprises are the skill gap of the employees, customer engagement, poor analytics, and legacy business models. Don’t let these challenges affect the growth of your business. Adapt innovative technologies as solutions to your issues and successfully move ahead in the competitive race. This also ensures the employees to upskill in various technologies and intensify their performance.

Extremely Satisfied Clients

How it Works?

We provide training in the “3 level model” that is for Beginners, Intermediates, and Advanced. Then we provide courses depending on their technical and non-technical capabilities.

Extremely Satisfied Clients

Recommendations from Industry experts and tailored curriculum which suits your product and services.

Extremely Satisfied Clients

Choose to attend either live Interactive online training or real-time classroom training by industry experts.

Extremely Satisfied Clients

Measurable evaluation to assess teams learning progress and take required steps based on the assessment.

Extremely Satisfied Clients

Online support until your team succeeds in applying the learnings into real-world projects.

Extremely Satisfied Clients

Are you interested in joining with us in a Corporate training partnership?

Interested in entering this amazing Corporate Training Partnership with us?
Do get in touch and our representative will meet you at a convenient time.

And let's begin this journey...

Extremely Satisfied Clients

Send your employees with Zero upfront payments.

Avail 100% claim on Certified courses

360DigiTMG, a training division of Innodatatics Sdn Bhd, is an HRDF approved centre for SBL scheme trainings (MyCoID 1265527-M), and therefore all our certification trainings and workshops are HRDF claimable under the Skim Bantuan Latihan (SBL Scheme and SBL-Khas), subject to prior application to HRDF by the employers and PSMB’s approval.

Extremely Satisfied Clients

Digital Transformation in Companies

Digital transformation is just overhauling the business processes to upgrade its efficiency and productivity by leveraging the latest technologies. Enhance your productivity with powerful new computational technologies that are opening the way to completely unique inspiring applications.

Extremely Satisfied Clients

Analytics for Managers

We deliver sophisticated training in Analytics exclusively for managers where they can increase their performance and contribute their skills and knowledge for the development of the organization. Analytical Data play a prominent role in making Data-driven decisions. Analytics include Manufacturing, Financial, Supply chain, and many more.

Extremely Satisfied Clients

Data Science Project in Malaysia

Data Science is one of the best fields that is buzzing in this era. Data Science projects will boost your portfolio and portrays that you have essential skills. We provide you the opportunity to work in real-time Data Science projects that helps you to gain in-depth knowledge of the tools and strive ahead in your career.

Extremely Satisfied Clients

Industrial Revolution 4.0 in Malaysia

Malaysia is emerging as a hub for various innovative technologies and thriving as a technology-based ecosystem. IR4.0 is rapidly growing and being adapted in Malaysia to transform the workforce and industries. We provide the training for the courses that are considered as 9 pillars of IR4.0 and create a future-ready workforce.

Extremely Satisfied Clients

Up-skilling & Re-skilling for Employees

As many new technologies are evolving and deployed, its time for the companies to upskill and reskill their employees. The reskilling program is a perfect opportunity for the employees to upgrade their skills, ability to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions.

Extremely Satisfied Clients

Industry Application of Data Science

Data Science is revolutionizing and there is a tremendous requirement for Data Scientists across the globe. Data Science has varied applications in industries that include Manufacturing, Retail. Hotel, Healthcare, Automation, Pharmaceutical, Banking, and many more.

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Learning Resources

September 19, 2020

Analyzing unstructured Text data by generating structured data in key-value pair form.

September 18, 2020

Network Data or Graph Data is a different type of data, which requires different types of analysis.

September 11, 2020

Relationship Mining, Market Basket Analysis, or Affinity Analysis - all mean the same thing.

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